In North America, the American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) is a common sight. The Crows is an all-black bird, even on the legs and bill and has a short tail that is rounded or squared off at the end. Crows are members of the corvid family which includes magpies, blue jays and ravens. Crows are generally smaller and not as thick-billed as ravens, which belong to the same genus. Crows can be found worldwide.

These noisy birds live throughout North America in summer, except for the extreme north and very deep south. In winter, they vacate the colder regions, ranging throughout the United States, southern British Columbia and Atlantic Canada. They are common in both urban and rural areas, taking advantage of both road kill and garbage. If you see a large black bird, about 48cm (19in) long, especially in the city, it is probably an American Crow. When they molt, the old feathers can appear brownish or scaly compared to the glossy new feathers.
These highly intelligent birds can be masterful mimics and great problem solvers. Crows have loud, hoarse, cawing voices. The crow is now considered to be among the world's most intelligent animals.
Crows are very social, always found in flocks and are rarely found alone. Living in large, close-knit families, and like social mammals, they not only hunt and forage together but also defend territories and care for the young together. Common sights in treetops, fields, and roadsides, and in habitats ranging from open woods and empty beaches to town centers.
American Crows usually feed on the ground and eat almost anything – typically earthworms, insects, other small animals, seeds, fruit, garbage, carrion and chicks they rob from nests. Their flight style is a unique pattern of methodical flapping, that is rarely broken up with glides.
They’re also aggressive and often chase away larger birds including hawks, owls and herons.
Commonly found in fields, open woodlands, and forests. They thrive around people, and you’ll often find them in agricultural fields, lawns, parking lots, athletic fields, roadsides, towns and city garbage dumps.

The crow was sacred for the Celts and meant the flesh torn by fighting. The major meaning of this black bird is to be a guide and the Gods' messenger.In Celt Lore the belief was that Crow was an omen of death and conflict. Crows were associated with death transitions. Another belief was that the birds were faeries who shape-shifted to cause troubles. Magickal qualities included bringing knowledge, shape-shifting, eloquence, prophecy, boldness, skill, knowledge, cunning, trickery and thievery.
In the Middle Ages, people believed that sorcerers and witches used the symbol of Crow’s foot to cast death spells.

So we can say that the crow is a creator, a guide and a divine messenger. Guiding souls through their last travel and goes through the darkness without moving away from the road.
That was really complete and reminded me of a few things I had read but since forgotten. Thanks so much!