Friday, February 15, 2013


When most people think of the term “dandelion,” the first thing that probably pops up is the weed that grows in their backyards. Dandelions, however, are much more than that. If used properly, you can use dandelion root and extract to help solve many minor health problems with natural and inexpensive methods.Dandelions have much more going for them than spotting your lush green grass with small yellow flowers.

Dandelions may not be found in the Southern Hemisphere, it is at home in all parts of the North... in pastures, meadows, lawns and on waste ground. So plentiful that farmers everywhere find it a troublesome weed.

Dandelions are often used as a culinary dish in several different cultures. In fact, many world-renowned chefs will use dandelion root or dandelion extract in their soups and salads because they are so tasty. You can do the same thing, too. By using the young dandelion leaves, you can add a raw addition to your favorite salad with new and unopened buds. Cook older leaves and eat them with your next meal. Dandelion is versatile in that it can either be served alone or it can add a tangy flavor to your favorite dish.

The root, when dried, roasted and ground like coffee, is used to make a tea.  This infusion will promote psychic powers.  The same tea, steamed and placed beside the bed,  will call spirits.
Not only is dandelion one of the more popular weeds that you can use for both medicinal purposes and cooking purposes, but dandelion root contains several vitamins. You can find a good amount of vitamin C, vitamin A and calcium in this “weed” that grows wild in your backyard. They are also high in iron. In fact, a dandelion root contains more calcium and iron than a dose of spinach, which just goes to show that dandelions are a great addition to any well-balanced meal.
Magical folklore surrounding the Dandelion includes blowing the seeds off a ripened head to carry your thoughts (or magical energies) to another; Love revelation (blowing all the seeds off with one blow indicates passionate love, seeds remaining indicates the love is fickle) and how many children you will have (the number of seeds left on the head after one blow).

Scientific name:  Taraxacum officinale 

Folk Names: Blowball, Cankerwort, Lion's Tooth, Piss-a-Bed, Priest's Crown, Puffball, Swine Snout, White Endive, Wild Endive.

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